A New Look, A New Approach

As my list of books and websites to support them grew, it only made sense to combine them under one website. That is why I have decided to debut www.garylpinkerton.com to simplify and centralize communications with my readers and clients.

The attentive among you will notice that I have added “clients” to the list of persons with potential interest. As part of this new approach, I am also announcing that I will be actively seeking individuals and non-profit organizations who are interested in expanding their web presence and telling their stories, much like I have done with my books.

In addition to my book websites at www.trammelstrace.com and www.hendrickslake.com, I have also developed and managed websites for the East Texas Historical Association (www.easttexashistorical.com) and the group Concerned TSHA Members (www.concernedtshamembers.com).

One of my focal points of interest will be providing services to local and regional history organizations. With that in mind, I will soon be establishing a central website, www.texashistorical.org, where local historical groups can share their resources and stories. The vision is to provide a starting point for counties and communities that wish to highlight their history, make photos and documents available, or manage their ability to sell books and other items.

I will also be available to help author, edit, and publish works by individuals and organizations who want their stories to be told.

Whether you are following my books or interested in using my services, I hope you find the new website informative, easy to use, and a resource you will share with others.

Gary L. Pinkerton

Gary is an author and independent researcher who lives in Houston.


Making Sense of Original Texas Land Survey Measurements